Take A Look At This North Carolina Log Home
When it comes to log home construction, Pioneer Log Homes is one of the leading log house builders in the world. This gorgeous full-scribed log home was built in North Carolina for Margaret Parnell by the company as they build log houses all over the world. The company’s home base is in Williams Lake, British Columbia, Canada where there’s an abundance of Spruce trees, Douglas Fir trees and Western Red Cedar trees. It was first started up in 1973, and over the decades they have built thousands of beautiful handcrafted log houses. The craftsmen at Pioneer Log Homes are all experts in the art of log house construction and use the traditional log home building techniques. The homes are first completed in Williams Lake. Then, when the log house shell is finished completed, meaning only the exterior logs, each of the logs will be numbered and labelled to be delivered to the building site. Once at the building site, the logs are then re-assembled to create a beautiful structure like the one you see here.

You can see all of the attention to detail in this log house build. This one has some stone and mason work incorporated into the design as well which will help keep the home stable and solid which is especially great since this log house is built into a slight incline in the hillside. One of the main things you may notice is the sheer size of each of the logs used in these log house designs. Imagine how much work it is to place those logs in the perfect position so that everything fits together to create an airtight home. This is why log house building is such an art, and it’s also why many people choose to have their log houses handcrafted rather than buying a log home building kit. Log home building kits are also great and can be very high in quality, but you just don’t get the same feel or natural look as you would when you go with a log house that’s been custom built. People definitely spend extra money just to have their homes built by the best, and in the long run, it’s absolutely worth it.
When you’re choosing a log home building company, you’ll probably want to choose one that holds sustainability in high priority. Pioneer Log Homes are very conscious about being as sustainable as possible and only uses trees from sustainable forests. After the trees used for log house construction are harvested, there are crews that go out to reforest the areas with trees that naturally grow in the area. They plant over 200 million seedlings in British Columbia and 650 million trees in Canada. They stay in alignment with British Columbia’s Forest Practices Code, and they promise always to do their part to take the best care of nature and mother earth. Since they mainly use local wood for each of their log house designs, that also means cutting down the emissions used to transport materials to them. Overall, choosing wood as a building material is an environmentally friendly choice since wood, and log houses create energy efficient homes that are long-lasting and very safe. If you’re considering building a log house of your own, Pioneer Log Homes is a wonderful company to consider for your build.